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WTI is currently re-opening our campuses to students as allowed by local, state, and CDC guidelines

The procedures listed below have been implemented to uphold CDC guidelines, promote safety, and to help prevent exposures to COVID-19 at WTI. The school also modified its instructional delivery and class schedules combining necessary in-person lab instruction with remote coursework to minimize the amount of time spent on campus and promote social distancing.


This interim guidance is based on what is currently known about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and relies on the CDC guidelines as set out in more detail at the CDC’s web page at These guidelines may be updated from time to time as additional information becomes available.

Therefore, effective immediately, the following safety measures are mandatory for all persons (students, staff, and visitors) while on campus:

Moreover, as the safety of our students and staff is our top priority, WTI will take the necessary precautions to provide a safe and sanitized learning environment which includes:

Finally, WTI actively encourages all sick students and employees to stay home:



Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

The U.S. Department of Education has provided Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students who need financial support for their expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to Coronavirus.

When appropriating the relief funds allotted to Wichita Technical Institute students, WTI considered the U.S. Department of Education’s calculation of Expected Family Contribution (EFC), expenses required for the program completion, cost of living and other financial factors before determining that to remain as fair and inclusive as possible, the awards will be distributed in 2 phases:

PHASE 1 (May 2020) – WTI will divide 75% of the HEERF student portion evenly among all eligible students who were attending classes on the date the HEERF funding notification was received April 29, 2020.

Currently 624 WTI students are eligible for PHASE 1.

PHASE 2 (June 2020) – Due to the continuing disruption in May 2020 of campus operations caused by COVID-19, WTI plans to distribute the remaining 25% of the HEERF student portion to eligible students who began their program on May 4, 2020. Depending on funds available, WTI will disburse equal amounts based on the number of eligible students exhibiting need at that time. This amount may not be the same as awarded to PHASE 1 students.

Currently 212 WTI students are eligible for PHASE 2 (estimated).

All WTI students who receive the HEERF grant must be Title IV eligible and in good standing. They must also (by signed statement) certify they have had expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19 and that the emergency funding received will be used for food, housing, course material, technology, health care and childcare.

WTI will make every effort to divide CARES Act funds evenly to eligible students; however, due to enrollment fluctuations at the time of the initial grant disbursements, there may be additional CARES Act HEERF funds available. If this is the case, any remaining funds will be allocated evenly to those CARES Act HEERF grant recipients who have continued their program uninterrupted at WTI and are currently enrolled in the month prior to the end of the HEERF grant performance period.


April 10, 2020, Wichita Technical Institute signed and returned to the Department of Education the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution intends to use no less than 50% of the funds received under Section 18004(a) (1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students. On 4/29/2020 WTI received the Grant Award Notification for the student portion of HEERF totaling $1,606,744.00. As of May 30, 2020, WTI has distributed $1,064,000.00 of the CARES Act HEERF student portion with each student receiving $2,000.00 each.

As of May 30, 2020, 532 Wichita Technical Institute students have received the CARES Act HEERF grant.



AS OF July 15, 2020, WTI has distributed $1,572,000.00 of the CARES Act HEERF student portion with each student receiving $2,000.00 each.

AS OF July 15, 2020, there are 617 WTI students eligible for PHASE 1 and 176 WTI students eligible for PHASE 2. A total of 786 Wichita Technical Institute students have received the CARES Act HEERF grant.

AS OF August 29, 2020, WTI has distributed $1,582,000.00 of the CARES Act HEERF student portion with each student receiving $2,000.00 each.

AS OF August 29, 2020, there are 618 WTI students eligible for PHASE 1 and 174 WTI students eligible for PHASE 2. A total of 791 Wichita Technical Institute students have received the CARES Act HEERF grant.
Quarterly UPDATES:

September 30, 2020
As of 9/30/20 WTI has distributed $1,582,000.00 of the CARES Act HEERF student portion with each student receiving $2,000.00 each. There are 618 WTI students eligible for PHASE 1 and 174 WTI students eligible for PHASE 2. A total of 791 Wichita Technical Institute students have received the CARES Act HEERF grant.
December 31, 2020
As of 12/31/20 WTI has distributed $1,582,000.00 of the CARES Act HEERF student portion with each student receiving $2,000.00 each. There are 618 WTI students eligible for PHASE 1 and 176 WTI students eligible for PHASE 2. A total of 791 Wichita Technical Institute students have received the CARES Act HEERF grant.
March 31, 2021- FINAL Quarterly Report for CARES Act HEERF Student Portion
As of 3/31/21 WTI has distributed the full amount of $1,606,744.00 from the CARES Act HEERF student portion with each student receiving $2,000.00 each. (127 students were eligible to receive an additional $163.34 each at the end of the grant performance period) There were 618 WTI students eligible for PHASE 1 and 176 WTI students eligible for PHASE 2. A total of 793 Wichita Technical Institute students received the CARES Act HEERF grant and 1 eligible student declined the grant.

For any questions or concerns regarding this Fund Report please contact WTI at
Also included in the CARES Act is a provision for colleges to receive an equal portion of HEERF funding to use for Institutional Support.

Quarterly Reporting for the HEERF Institutional Portion received by Wichita Technical Institute is available below:
WTI Institutional Funds Quarterly Report 9-30-20
WTI Institutional Funds Quarterly Report 12-31-20
WTI Institutional Funds Quarterly Report 3-31-21
WTI Institutional Funds Quarterly Report 6-30-21
WTI Institutional Funds Quarterly Report 9-30-21
WTI Institutional Funds Quarterly Report 12-31-21
WTI Institutional Funds Quarterly Report 3-31-22



Wichita Technical Institute School Policy for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA)

On December 27, 2020, the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II), authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), was signed into law. Recently the Department of Education made these relief funds available to post-secondary institutions to be distributed as financial aid grants to their students.

HEERF II Grant Recipients are required to meet the following criteria:

When appropriating the CRRSAA HEERF II Emergency Relief Funds allotted to Wichita Technical Institute students, WTI will divide the funds equally to all current students (as of the time of grant distribution) who were enrolled as of March 7, 2021 and meet the citizenship and exceptional need requirements.

To ensure that students qualify and then receive aid as quickly as possible, WTI has elected to use (a) the FAFSA as verification of citizenship and (b) the calculation of the Student Aid Index (EFC) as the basis for exhibiting need. Any student who is a Pell Grant recipient on their most recent active FAFSA will be eligible if they confirm their current financial situation is the same (or worse than) it was on the date they originally completed the FAFSA.

Each student receiving an CRRSAA Emergency Financial Aid (HEERF II) Grant will be required to sign a statement certifying their current financial situation is the same (or worse than) it was on the date they completed their most recent FAFSA and that any emergency funding they receive will be used for components of cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care, mental health care, or childcare.

February 27, 2021, Wichita Technical Institute signed and returned to the Department of Education the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution intends to use all of the funds received under Section 314(a) (4) of the CRRSA Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.

On 3/7/2021 WTI received the Grant Award Notification for HEERF II totaling $1,516,426.00.

As of June 13, 2021, WTI has distributed $1,496,330.00 of the CRRSA Act HEERF II with each student receiving $2,230.00.

As of June 13, 2021, all 671 currently eligible Wichita Technical Institute students have received the CRRSA Act HEERF II grant.

Quarterly Updates
June 30, 2021
As of 6/30/21
WTI has distributed $1,507,480.00 of the CRRSA Act HEERF II student portion with each student receiving $2,230.00 each. There are 677 WTI students currently eligible for HEERF II. A total of 676 Wichita Technical Institute students have received the CRRSA Act HEERF grant.

September 30, 2021
FINAL Quarterly Report for CRRSA Act HEERF II Student Portion
As of 9/30/21 WTI has disbursed the full CRRSAA HEERF II Award amount of $1,516,426.00. There were 680 WTI students eligible for CRRSAA HEERF II. A total of 680 Wichita Technical Institute students received the HEERF II grant. WTI distributed $1,516,400.00 of the CRRSA Act student portion with each student receiving $2,230.00 each. (Due to rounding of the award amount the left-over balance of $26.00 will be returned.)


Wichita Technical Institute School Policy for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP)

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III) authorized by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) was signed into law on March 11, 2021. The Department of Education made these HEERF III emergency relief funds available to post-secondary institutions to be distributed as financial aid grants to their students.

While the Department of Education recognized that COVID-19 has affected all students, it has hit some students and their families especially hard. To be eligible for the HEERF III the American Rescue Plan specifies a student must exhibit exceptional need.

To ensure that students qualify and then receive aid as quickly as possible, WTI has elected to use the FAFSA calculation of the Student Aid Index (EFC) as the basis for exhibiting need. Any student who is a Pell Grant recipient on their most recent active FAFSA will be eligible if they confirm their current financial situation is the same (or worse than) it was on the date they originally completed the FAFSA.

When appropriating the ARP HEERF III Emergency Relief Funds allotted to Wichita Technical Institute students, WTI will divide the funds equally to all current students (as of the time of grant distribution) that meet the exceptional needs requirements, are enrolled on or after April 5, 2021, and did not receive the CRRSAA HEERF II grant. The funds will be split into two distributions. The first distribution round will be in September for all eligible students who began their program of study at WTI on April 5, 2021 and June 28, 2021. Details regarding eligibility/distribution of the second round are pending.*

Each student receiving an ARP Emergency Financial Aid (HEERF III) Grant will be required to sign a statement certifying their current financial situation is the same (or worse than) it was on the date they completed their most recent FAFSA and that any emergency funding they receive will be used for components of cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, such as tuition, food, housing, health care, mental health care, or childcare.

July 26, 2021, Wichita Technical Institute signed and returned to the Department of Education the required Proprietary Certification Form and Agreement which included the assurance that the institution intends to use all the funds received under Section 314(a) (4) of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.

On 7/27/2021 WTI received the ARP Proprietary Institution Supplemental Grant Award Notification for HEERF III totaling $874,062.

As of August 27, 2021, Wichita Technical Institute has distributed $0.00 of the ARP Act HEERF III. No WTI students have received HEERF III grants.

As of August 27, 2021, Wichita Technical Institute students who are eligible to receive the ARP Act HEERF III grant are pending.

*When appropriating the 2nd round of ARP HEERF III Emergency Relief Funds allotted to Wichita Technical Institute students, WTI will disburse the funds in February 2022 to all eligible students who began their program of study at WTI on September 20, 2021, and December 13, 2021. The second distribution of HEERF III funds will be divided equally to current students (as of the time of grant distribution) that meet the exceptional needs requirements, were enrolled on the dates specified, and did not receive a previous ARP HEERF III grant or the CRRSAA HEERF II grant.

Quarterly Updates
September 30, 2021
As of 9/30/21 WTI has distributed $414,800.00 of the American Rescue Plan HEERF III student portion with each student receiving $1,525.00 each. There are 284 WTI students currently eligible for HEERF III. A total of 272 Wichita Technical Institute students have received the ARP HEERF III grant.

December 31, 2021
As of 12/31/21 WTI has distributed $427,000 of the American Rescue Plan HEERF III student portion with each student receiving $1,525.00 each. There are 280 WTI students currently eligible for HEERF III. A total of 280 Wichita Technical Institute students have received the ARP HEERF III grant.

March 31, 2022
As of 3/31/22 WTI has distributed $861,500 of the American Rescue Plan HEERF III student portion with 280 students in round one receiving $1,525.00 each and 275 students in round two receiving $1,580.00 each. There are 555 WTI students currently eligible for HEERF III. A total of 555 Wichita Technical Institute students have received the ARP HEERF III grant.

“NEW” Quarterly Updates for HEERF I, HEERF II, and HEERF III

WTI Quarterly Report 6-30-22
WTI Quarterly Report 9-30-22
WTI Quarterly Report 12-31-22
WTI Quarterly Report 3-31-23
FINAL WTI Quarterly Report 6-30-23
For any questions or concerns regarding this Fund Report, please contact WTI at

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